Layered Fish Salad ‘Mimosa’


This is my interpretation of one of the traditional Russian/Latvian salads called ‘Mimosa’  and originally made during big celebrations/holiday, especially Easter time, because of the colours and the eggs in it. You can use any tinned fish for this salad but most importantly, the salad must be prepared a few hours before serving to allow layers to soak (it is perfect for dinner parties as it could be made the day before and kept in the fridge). Originally these type of salads are always are made with mayonnaise, so it is not for those who are on a diet, and it is another reason why it is a special treat only for the special occasions, but  the taste is very tender and light.



1 tin tuna (or any other preferred fish)

2 potatoes

2 carrots

4 hard boiled eggs

1 small onion (finely chopped)

2 pickled gherkins

1 cup mayonnaise


1. Do not peel potatoes and carrots. Just wash them and place in a pot with boiling water, adjust the heat and leave it to cook until they feel tender when you prod them with a knife. When vegetables are ready, just take them out of the water and leave it to cool so you can peel their skin off. When the vegetables are skinned and cool, start assemble the salad.

2. In a small bawl mix the tuna, onion and couple spoons of mayonnaise. Spread the mix on a dish you are going to serve from.

3. Then layers go as following: grated potatoes, mayonnaise, grated gherkins, mayonnaise, grated carrots, mayonnaise, then grated egg whites and top it with grated egg yolks.

4. Leave it in fridge over night or at least for a few hours. Serve as a starter.


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